Thank you so much for joining our GOs!
All of the Batch 2 items are on hand and in the process of being sorted. Event/arrival pictures will be added to each event masterlist page as GOs are sorted.
Below the list of included GOs, you will find your name and your EMS total.
- Please click on your name under “Joiner Page” to see a breakdown of your Batch 2 GOs and your EMS fees.
- Your joiner page also lists all the GOs you’ve joined with us this comeback and your claims at the top.
- If you were in Batch 1, you will see your claim pictures from Batch 1 here as well.
- Your batch 2 EMS information will be towards the bottom of your Joiner Page.
- EMS is what it costs for us to ship the items from Korea to the U.S., and it has been split between all of our joiners. These items are already on hand, which means we covered the payment out of pocket.
- Once we have your claim and inclusion pictures taken, it will be added to this same Joiner Page.
<img src="/icons/receipt_blue.svg" alt="/icons/receipt_blue.svg" width="40px" />
EMS Form
<img src="/icons/receipt_blue.svg" alt="/icons/receipt_blue.svg" width="40px" />
Shipping Form
Shipping payment is due by March 23rd.
There is a grace period from March 23rd to March 27th, and then there will be a one time $5 late fee if you pay after the 27th.
Batch 2 included GOs
Soundwave Pop-up Merch
Jongho 2024
Wooyoung 2024
Dazed Magazines
Batch 2 Joiners